On Page SEO

Get Expert SEO Audit Services

Hire Maverick Digital To Audit Your On-Page and Off-Site SEO

Trusted by the Cincinnati's Leading Companies

Why are SEO Audits Important?

SEO audits are important because they help you determine how healthy your website’s SEO is and where you need to make improvements. Our detailed SEO audit will uncover any potential roadblocks or issues with your website preventing you from ranking higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). During an SEO audit, our team will examine your website’s structure, on-page optimization, backlinks, and traffic. Our marketing agency Cincinnati team will compile our findings into a comprehensive report that outlines the health of your website’s SEO and offers recommendations for improvement.

How an SEO Audit Works

Backlink Audits

Audit your backlink profile to identify unhealthy or spammy links. See which sites link to yours and their impact on your domain authority.

Technical SEO Audits

Is your site optimized on the back end? We'll audit your HTML elements to ensure keywords are included and crawling and indexing are optimized.

Content Audits

Check if your content meets Google’s quality signals, including topical depth, word count, relevance, and page experience elements.

UI/UX Audits

See how users are clicking, navigating, and engaging your website; and learn how our UI/UX optimizations could increase conversions.

What is anSEO Audit?

A strategic, search engine optimized website is vital for your business.

Search engines use over 200 different factors to determine where to rank web pages. From site speed and meta descriptions to page authority and backlinks, any of these reasons could be why your site might not be ranking in search results. Our SEO audit can help you identify the on-page or off-site factors impacting your search engine performance. Our SEO professionals can review the results with you and provide guidance on improving your SEO and content marketing strategy.

Our SEO Audit will help you identify why your site may not be ranking.
seo audit
seo audit

If your site's fully optimized with keyword-rich content and user-friendly interfaces, you're likely to rank higher on the SERPs.

A comprehensive SEO audit is the first step to ranking higher on the SERPs. Our SEO audit services include:

It’s always a good idea to do a complete and thorough SEO audit before starting any link-building or SEO campaign. An in-depth analysis is the best way to get started improving your rankings and attracting more organic traffic. Our marketing agency Cincinnati office will evaluate numerous areas during our audit, including on-page optimization, link-building, website content, and more.

By improving these areas, you’ll see a significant increase in website traffic from search engines. Our SEO audit services provide you with a roadmap of what needs to be done to improve your website’s visibility on SERPs.

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Benefits of an SEO Audit

Benefits of On-Page SEO

Comprehensive Insights

As a webmaster, it's not only important to think about how your target audience will understand your content, but also how GoogleBots will crawl and interpret your website. With our SEO audit, you can get detailed insights and analytics that will help you figure out how to improve your website for both users and search engines. SEO is an ever-changing and complex field, and it can be difficult to keep up with the latest trends. Our team's thorough SEO audits provide webmasters with comprehensive insights into their websites to identify issues preventing them from ranking as high as they could be.

SEO Action Plan

During an SEO audit, our team carefully reviews every aspect of your website, from its code and structure to on-page content and external linking patterns. Once we've identified any issues holding back your site's performance, we'll recommend the best course of action for fixing them. In some cases, this means submitting a sitemap or improving internal linking; in others, it might involve changing the site's structure or focusing on local search optimization. No matter the issue our marketing agency Cincinnati team will provide a clear starting point for designing an effective strategy for better SERP rankings.

SEO Budget Insights

An SEO audit is an important first step in understanding where your budget will be most efficiently spent on all areas of search engine optimization. Technical SEO improvements are usually budget-friendly, but making significant changes to homepage design, schema markup, or launching a link-building campaign can require a larger investment. An SEO audit helps new clients understand which areas of their website need improvement and provides guidance on the best way to proceed with their optimization strategy.

SEO Services


The spiders that search engines like Google use to rebuild or index websites pay close attention to the content wrapped in H1 header tags. Including heading tags as part of your web page’s structure is important for both usability and SEO purposes. Heading tags help give searchers an idea of the content that can be found on a particular page, which in turn helps search engines index pages more effectively. Our SEO Audit will ensure your H1 tags are clear and effective for search engines to understand.

Our SEO audits can help businesses in many ways, from improving website visibility to identifying areas for improvement. Our marketing agency Cincinnati team’s audit can also help you understand how your website is performing compared to competitors, so you can make changes to help you stay ahead of the pack. By understanding how your website is performing and what you can do to improve your SEO, you can make better decisions about your digital marketing and improve your business’s bottom line.

There are a few types of SEO audits you may need as a local business. One option is a technical SEO audit. This audit examines your website’s technical setup and looks for errors that could prevent the website from ranking well in local search results. Another type is a content audit. This audit looks at your website’s content and compares it to the keywords users are searching for in your area. It then makes recommendations for changes that could improve your website’s ranking.

The first step is to identify the goals of the audit. Are you looking to improve your site’s organic search traffic? Evaluate your site’s performance on specific keywords? Identify on-page optimization opportunities? Once we know your goals, we can begin evaluating your site’s current SEO state. This evaluation includes performing a website crawl and analysis, evaluating competitor sites, and identifying on-page optimization opportunities. Afterward, we can start building your SEO strategy, including creating a content strategy, establishing link-building goals, and developing a keyword strategy.

Once our marketing agency Cincinnati team has identified the main areas of improvement with our SEO audit, it’s time to create an action plan for addressing them. This plan should include short-term and long-term goals, and the steps we’ll take to achieve them. Remember that SEO is a long-term process, so you shouldn’t expect results overnight. However, if you adhere to our action plan and continue making improvements to your website’s SEO, you should start seeing results over time.